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Kühnert: CDU in eastern Germany leads to strengthening of the AfD

With a view to the upcoming state elections in eastern Germany, SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert has accused the CDU of strengthening the AfD with its course. "I have never understood why the CDU in Thuringia, for example, rules out any cooperation with the left-wing parties just as much as...

SPD General Secretary - Kühnert: CDU in eastern Germany leads to strengthening of the AfD

With a view to the upcoming state elections in eastern Germany,SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert has accused the CDU of strengthening the AfD with its course. "I have never understood why the CDU in Thuringia, for example, rules out any cooperation with the left-wing parties just as much as with the far-right and anti-democratic AfD," Kühnert told the Rheinische Post newspaper (Monday). "This means that the state government is barely able to act. The enemies of democracy are having a laugh," said the SPD General Secretary.

"With its strategy to date, the CDU has achieved the opposite of what it claims to want," said Kühnert. "It is paralyzing parliament and providing Höcke with argumentative fodder for his contempt for democracy," he said, referring to the Thuringian state party and parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke. In Thuringia, Minister President Bodo Ramelow (Left Party) is currently leading a minority government of the Left Party, SPD and Greens. The government is opposed by an almost equally strong CDU and AfD parliamentary group. State elections will be held in Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg in 2024.

Read also:

  1. The rhetoric of SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert criticizes the CDU's approach in Thuringia, as it allegedly benefits the far-right AfD by ruling out cooperation with both left-wing parties and the AfD itself.
  2. In an interview with the Rheinische Post, Kühnert voiced his frustration, stating that the CDU's policy of excluding both the left and the AfD hampers the ability of the state government to function effectively.
  3. According to Kühnert, the strategy adopted by the CDU in Thuringia, which currently holds a minority government with the Left Party, SPD, and Greens, has paradoxically bolstered the AfD's standing in the region.
  4. The SPD General Secretary lambasted Björn Höcke, the Thuringian state party and parliamentary group leader, for using the CDU's tactic as ammunition in his attacks against democracy.
  5. Given the current state of political alignment in Thuringia, with the CDU and AfD holding almost equal legislative power, the upcoming state elections in 2024 are of crucial importance for the balance of power in eastern Germany.
  6. Amidst the mounting tension between left-wing, center-left, and far-right parties, Kevin Kühnert emphasized the need for constructive dialogue to prevent further fragmentation and polarization in German politics.


