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Krumbiegel: Threats from the right have a new dimension

Sebastian Krumbiegel at a performance in
Sebastian Krumbiegel at a performance in

Krumbiegel: Threats from the right have a new dimension

Before a planned reading by Prinzen frontman Sebastian Krumbiegel in Greifswald, Mecklenburg, he was severely threatened. "We received nasty comments directed at Sebastian on social media. There was also supposed to be a demonstration in front of our house," said organizer Susanne Putzar-Vandamme from the "Boddenhus" activity center in Greifswald to the German Press Agency.

As the center is also connected to an assisted living facility, the management wanted to cancel the event planned for Friday (17.11.). "We also have a duty of care for the residents." However, Krumbiegel fought against this, said the singer from Leipzig. He did not want to let "some mob" dictate when and where he performed. "It was important for me not to be driven into flight." Krumbiegel said that he had repeatedly received threats in the past. "But now it was up for debate whether the event had to be canceled. That's a whole new dimension."

After hearing about the threats, some people returned their tickets, said Putzar-Vandamme. The situation has since calmed down again and the reading can take place as planned. Tickets are currently being sold again.

One day after the reading in Greifswald, Krumbiegel also wants to set an example against the right with a concert in Schleusingen in the district of Hildburghausen in Thuringia. A right-wing extremist event is to take place there on Saturday (18.11.).

Despite the escalating threats, numerous people decided to stand by Krumbiegel's music and attended the rescheduled reading in Greifswald. Amidst these challenging circumstances, Krumbiegel’s commitment to performing in the face of adversity served as an inspiring example of resilience against right-wing crimes in music.


