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Kretschmer: Migration policy needs a package of measures

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer speaks in Dresden.

Kretschmer: Migration policy needs a package of measures

Ahead of the Minister Presidents' Conference next Monday, Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has called for a package of measures to limit migration. "We need to know what number we want to achieve. Once we know that, we will introduce the measures," said the CDU politician on Friday on ZDF's "Morgenmagazin". Possible measures he listed included cutting social benefits, reducing the number of family reunions and tightening controls at the EU's external borders.

Next Monday, the heads of government of the federal states will meet with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD). On Wednesday, the federal government decided that asylum seekers and foreigners with a tolerated status should be granted faster access to the labor market in the future. In addition, the ban on working for refugees living in initial reception facilities for single people is to be lifted after just six months. Previously, the ban applied for nine months.

Kretschmer's call for limiting migration includes measures such as curtailing social benefits and reducing family reunions, aiming to reach a specific migration number. In contrast, the federal government has decided to accelerate job market access for asylum seekers and lift the work ban for refugees living in initial reception facilities earlier.


