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Kretschmer insists on a resolution to the refugee predicament.

Prior to the conclusion of the legislative session, the Saxon government leader shares a largely favorable appraisal but admits to errors made in managing the COVID-19 situation. The AfD and Die Linke sharply critique the Saxon governing coalition.

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, speaks at a press conference in the...
Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony, speaks at a press conference in the Baumwollspinnerei after the joint cabinet meeting with North Rhine-Westphalia.

The government legislature - Kretschmer insists on a resolution to the refugee predicament.

The leader of the Saxony region, Michael Kretschmer, wants the national government to find a resolution to the problem of refugees. He stated this in the state legislature on Wednesday. The public is expecting results when it comes to migration; numbers need to be considerably reduced and this issue needs to be tackled, said the CDU politician. In their plan for the upcoming legislative session, the Saxon Union calls for a "breathing space limit" of 60,000 individuals per year in Germany. For Saxony, that would equate to approximately 3,000 refugees being accepted. This proposal will be voted on this Saturday.

Kretschmer started his statement on the results of the European voting, where the AfD party won in Eastern Germany. "This European election was a protest election." It's unfortunate because the European Union is important for Saxony's situation. Avoiding critical topics and failing to provide solutions doesn't make for good politics. In the past, there were agreements between different parties. But, "after this election result, there can be no business as usual."

Right before the conclusion of the current legislative period, Kretschmer spoke positively about the work done with his allied partners from the Greens and the SPD. "The coalition has done well for the state and achieved a lot." Saxony has focused on strengthening its economy. Kretschmer supports a thorough analysis of Covid-19 efforts, such as assigning a special commission. Mistakes were made, and things were not always considered properly. The federal brake and the required vaccination by sector were also errors.

Kretschmer encouraged respect and unity. "Anyone who perpetuates hatred, denigrates respect, promotes perversion, incites violence, and devalues our country harms our nation as a whole. There is no place for these people in our country." The increase in hate crimes is of concern. Hatred and extremism pose a danger to our nation. "Hatred only leads to losers".

The head of the AfD party and faction, Jörg Urban, accused Kretschmer and his CDU of adopting a 'green policy'. The CDU "dances to the tune of green journalists and politicians." Kretschmer is to blame for the poor performance of both Saxony and Germany with "disastrous" decisions. "Michael Kretschmer hasn't had a successful tenure. Mr. Kretschmer has hurt our Free State of Saxony." He has brought instability and conflict.

Christian Hartmann, the leader of the CDU faction, also acknowledged errors but rejected Urban's pessimistic view. Anybody who makes Saxony seem like a failing and stagnating state in order to hide successful development is being dishonest.

The head of the Linke party, Susanne Schaper, initially mentioned the internal conflicts within the coalition. Kretschmer didn't offer justification in his statement as to why his government should remain. "The Saxon CDU is still clinging to its old role as a state party. Even poorer election results wouldn't convince you that Saxony isn't your party's territory." Criticizing the gaps in our society can't be ignored by you.

The head of the Green faction, Franziska Schubert, recalled the challenges they would face at the beginning of the legislative period. "Behind us is one of the most difficult and cruel election periods in Saxony's history due to external factors and crises." Feelings of powerlessness and being overwhelmed should not be dismissed. "The experience of loss is deep-rooted in Saxony. In times of crisis, people are even more worried about further losses." Schubert stated that the coalition had managed to survive five difficult years of emergency.

The SPD faction leader, Dirk Panter, recognized pressure on society and mentioned the rapid pace of change. "It's understandable that people look for security and seek refuge in a stable world, fearing more loss. But we need to ensure that fear doesn't dictate our actions." Solutions can't just be purchased online; they need to be created. The coalition can show its ability in this process.

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