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Kretschmer concerned after budget agreement of the traffic lights

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has expressed skepticism about the federal government's budget agreement. "I am a little worried. I see these rising costs initially in the area of energy," the CDU politician told MDR on Wednesday. The agreed increase in the CO2 price would make...

Prime Minister - Kretschmer concerned after budget agreement of the traffic lights

Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer has expressed skepticism about the federal government's budget agreement. "I am a little worried. I see these rising costs initially in the area of energy," the CDU politician told MDR on Wednesday. The agreed increase in the CO2 price would make transport and other areas more expensive. "I don't think that's a good way to go at a time of economic weakness." It would be important to stimulate growth and not impose additional burdens.

What is needed now is "a policy based on common sense", said Kretschmer. "With last night's decision, the muddling through continues and that's a shame." Kretschmer reiterated his call for the energy transition to be relaunched. With regard to the war in Ukraine, he said that more diplomatic initiatives were now important. "The dying must stop. These enormous costs must stop. That is what we expect from our federal government and not that it pours billions more into this war."

On Wednesday, four weeks after the Federal Constitutional Court's historic budget ruling, the coalition government with the traffic light system agreed on how it intends to close the billion-euro gap in the 2024 federal budget. One of the plans is to increase the CO2 price, which will have an impact on petrol and gas prices. The abolition of the subsidy for grid fees is likely to lead to higher electricity prices. The debt brake will not be suspended for the time being, but the coalition is keeping this open due to the war in Ukraine.

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