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Kretschmer aims to secure victory in state polls through focusing on Saxon matters.

On September 1, a new state parliament will be chosen in Saxony. The existing Minister President anticipates that national politics won't significantly impact the election's outcome.

Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony.
Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister President of Saxony.

Christian Democratic Union - Kretschmer aims to secure victory in state polls through focusing on Saxon matters.

Saxony's leader, Michael Kretschmer, cautions against using the September 1st state election as a platform for protesting against the federal government's policies. Speaking to the "Saxonian Newspaper," Kretschmer, a CDU politician, emphasized that the effects of any decisions made in Saxony wouldn't stop at the state's borders. "The message is: we in Saxony are determined to take control of our future with pride," he shared. We're not just thinking about regional interests, but also about what happens in Berlin.

Kretschmer also acknowledged the current situation in Saxon politics. The CDU is hovering around 30% in polls, trailing slightly behind the AfD. He confirmed that post-election, the CDU would take time to assess the landscape before engaging in negotiation talks with the Alliance for Progress and Social Justice (BSW), a left-wing party, regardless of what the federal CDU chairman, Friedrich Merz, may have said about working with them. "We're steering our own course in Saxony," Kretschmer said.

He also stated that a coalition with the Greens was something he would avoid. The possibility of forming a coalition with the far-right AfD party isn't on the table.

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