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Kretschmann speaks on flooding: Predicament hasn't ended yet

The Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, considers the flood scenario in the southwest to still be tense. "Further heavy rain is forecast for the next few hours in numerous affected areas," said the Green politician on Sunday. "We are faced with a difficult situation...

Winfried Kretschmann (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, takes part...
Winfried Kretschmann (Alliance 90/The Greens), Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, takes part in a state press conference in December 2023.

Downpour of rain - Kretschmann speaks on flooding: Predicament hasn't ended yet

Kretschmann confirmed he would not inspect the site personally on Sunday. He explained, "I've chosen, after careful deliberation, to not visit the scene right away but to stay up-to-date and closely monitor the situation instead." With emergency resources maxed out, he plans to visit Monday morning only if conditions allow.

Minister of the Interior, Thomas Strobl (CDU), also thanked these emergency workers. He acknowledged that the disastrous flood could've been much worse without these firefighters and aid organizations' immense efforts.

Read also:

  • Despite the heavy rainfall and subsequent flood situation in Baden-Württemberg's southwest, including Stuttgart, Winfried Kretschmann, the state's minister-president, decided not to visit the affected areas on Sunday, preferring to stay informed and monitor the situation from afar.
  • The Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, Kretschmann, stated that the flood situation had not yet come to an end, and he only planned to visit the site on Monday if weather conditions permitted and resources were available.
  • The weather in Baden-Württemberg's southwest was heavily affected by the storm, resulting in a severe flood situation. Referring to the flood, Kretschmann emphasized that emergency resources were currently maxed out, and the authorities were closely monitoring the situation.
  • In the midst of the flood situation, Kretschmann expressed his gratitude to the dedicated emergency workers, acknowledging the vital role they were playing in managing the challenging situation.
  • The overwhelming work of emergency responders, such as firefighters and aid organizations, proved crucial in mitigating the potentially devastating effects of the flood in Baden-Württemberg's southwest.
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