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Kretschmann puzzled by Sekmen's reasons for switching

Melis Sekmen, a member of the Bundestag from Mannheim, is switching from the Greens to the CDU - and cites the culture of debate as one of the reasons. Her former party colleague Kretschmann is surprised.

Winfried Kretschmann cannot really understand the reasons given by Green MP Melis Sekmen for her...
Winfried Kretschmann cannot really understand the reasons given by Green MP Melis Sekmen for her switch to the CDU. (archive picture)

MP changes party - Kretschmann puzzled by Sekmen's reasons for switching

Baden-Württemberg's Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann finds it hard to understand the reason for Mannheimer Green Party federal parliamentarian Melis Sekmen's switch to the CDU. "I was a bit surprised by the reason," said the Green politician in Stuttgart.

Sekmen had stated, among other things, "We need a debate culture where people can express their opinion and concerns without being put in a drawer." This view is not a reason to leave the Greens, according to Kretschmann. He himself also expressed similar sentiments. "If you hold this view, then you look to see if you can convince others," said the Green politician.

The 30-year-old Green parliamentarian announced on Monday evening that she intended to join the CDU. Sekmen spoke of a "step forward" and added, "My understanding of how and in what style politics is made has further developed." Sekmen has Turkish roots - her father came to Germany as a youth. She was born in Mannheim and has been a member of the Bundestag since 2021.

  1. Winfried Kretschmann, being the Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg, represents a region known for its robust debate culture within parties.
  2. During a recent conversation in Stuttgart, Kretschmann, a Green politician, expressed his perplexity towards Mannheimer Green Party federal parliamentarian Melis Sekmen's decision to switch to the CDU.
  3. Despite the CDU's opposition to Sekmen's stance on fostering a debate culture, Mannheim-born Sekmen, with Turkish roots, sees a chance to advance her political beliefs within the CDU, having been a member of the Bundestag since 2021.
  4. Sekmen's announcement to join the CDU has sparked discussions in the political landscape of both Mannheim and Stuttgart, two significant cities in Baden-Württemberg's political scene.

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