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Kretschmann: Gender debate "has no added value"

Minister President Kretschmann has already publicly railed against gender rules. And now the Green head of government believes: "We shouldn't stir up unnecessary controversy."

Baden-Württemberg's Minister President speaks during an interview with journalists.
Baden-Württemberg's Minister President speaks during an interview with journalists.

Prime Minister - Kretschmann: Gender debate "has no added value"

Binnen-I and asterisks - in the opinion of Minister President Winfried Kretschmann, the passionate debate about gendering in the language is nonsensical. "Everyone can talk as they like for now - but turning it into a big social debate is misleading," the Green politician told the German Press Agency in Stuttgart. "It doesn't achieve anything, it has no added value and it only polarizes." Politics must solve problems and avoid structural breaks in society, said Kretschmann. "That's what we're working on. And we shouldn't stir up unnecessary controversies - such as about gendering."

Kretschmann has repeatedly made critical comments about gendering in the past, for example, a year ago he positioned himself against gendering in the classroom: "It's bad enough that so many of our primary school pupils can't read," he said at the time. "You don't have to make it even more difficult for them by writing things at school that you don't even speak."

Kretschmann told dpa that he had found a relatively simple solution to the gender debate: "At school, in public authorities, the Duden, i.e. the guidelines of the German Spelling Council, apply. That's it. We don't need to have any big debates about it," said the head of government. "Not everyone can write however they want. If the Spelling Council changes that at some point, then it will be different. But as long as it doesn't do that, we'll stick to it." When asked, Kretschmann criticized the CDU parliamentary group for repeatedly putting the issue on the agenda. "I advise against that."

Read also:

  1. In response to the gendering debate in language education, Baden-Württemberg's Government Head Winfried Kretschmann emphasized that the Duden, the guidelines of the German Spelling Council, should be followed in schools and public authorities, as he expressed to the German Press Agency.
  2. While addressing the German Press Agency, Winfried Kretschmann, the Minister President of Baden-Württemberg, criticized the CDU parliamentary group for continuously focusing on the gender debate, advising against further engagement in this issue.
  3. In a previous statement, Winfried Kretschmann, the head of the government in Baden-Württemberg, voiced concern over gendering in language education, stating that it could complicate matters for students who already struggle with reading, as reported by the German Press Agency.


