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Kretschmann: Asylum procedures in third countries difficult to implement

Winfried Kretschmann in the state parliament at a state press
Winfried Kretschmann in the state parliament at a state press

Kretschmann: Asylum procedures in third countries difficult to implement

Baden-Württemberg's Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann considers the processing of asylum procedures outside of Europe to be difficult to implement. "Personally, I am very skeptical about this and I am very skeptical about how it can succeed," said the Green politician in Stuttgart on Tuesday.

The heads of government of the federal states and Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had negotiated into Tuesday morning on migration policy, among other things. The federal states led by the CDU, CSU and Greens had been in favor of conducting asylum procedures outside of Europe. The resolution now stipulates that the federal government should examine whether this is possible.

Kretschmann said that he would not overemphasize this point. "It is very conditional, also in terms of negotiations," said the Minister President. It had to be clarified, for example, whether it was about people who were not yet in Europe or those who were already here. In addition, a country must be found in which the procedures can be carried out. This must now be examined. "In such a difficult situation, ideas that others have, even if they are complex, should not be ruled out from the outset," said Kretschmann.

Despite the federal government being tasked to explore the feasibility of conducting asylum procedures outside Europe, Baden-Württemberg's Minister-President Winfried Kretschmann remains cautious about the financial and practical implications. The implementation of migration policies, including asylum procedures in third countries, may require significant financial resources from both the federal government and individual states.


