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Köpping: Acceptance for refugees grows with integration

In 2023, more refugees came to Germany than at any time for years. Many local authorities feel they have reached a limit in terms of accommodation. There are also calls for better distribution.

Minister of Social Affairs of Saxony Petra Köpping (SPD).
Minister of Social Affairs of Saxony Petra Köpping (SPD).

Migration - Köpping: Acceptance for refugees grows with integration

Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs, Petra Köpping (SPD), believes that the public's acceptance of refugees depends on rapid and successful integration. "For people with prospects of staying, this must begin in the initial reception center. The foundations must be laid there so that those affected can find work quickly," said the minister in an interview with the German Press Agency in Dresden. The aim is to make better use of the time. "If nothing happens and we wait until those affected are distributed across the country, that's wasted time."

According to Köpping, success also depends on appropriate communication. "If it is always said everywhere that we can't do it, citizens will get the impression that it can't be done." Politicians must also repeatedly make it clear what the state does for all people, regardless of their origin. This was occasionally neglected at the height of the refugee crisis in 2015. "I was often asked back then: What are you actually doing for us? We do a lot for those affected, we can't let that fall by the wayside. We must maintain equality for all those in need."

The minister is convinced that many people in Saxony want to help refugees. "However, migration should not happen indiscriminately, according to the motto: whoever comes is here to stay. People want order in the system." This issue is a major concern for the population. There is uncertainty about the future. That is why it is important to make decisions, such as repatriation agreements with countries of origin from which refugees have no chance of obtaining asylum in Germany. Asylum procedures at the external border also need to be considered. Clear and swift decisions are needed. Minister Köpping emphasized: "We have to take care of the tasks for which we are responsible in the Free State."

"Politicians must also always remain honest at this point. They have to say what can actually be implemented in a short space of time," said Köpping. Among other things, this involves the question of how refugees are distributed evenly within the EU. "These are the questions that people are asking themselves. Solutions that are possible must also be offered quickly. You should only take measures that can be implemented. Otherwise people will lose faith." This situation could intensify in the new year with its elections and election campaigns, warned the minister.

At the same time, she pointed out that there is still room for improvement in the distribution of refugees within Saxony. Of the 418 municipalities in the Free State, only 59 maintain shared accommodation for those affected. "This shows that the burden is not so high everywhere. There is a very uneven distribution." Some people are worried that the climate in the cities will change with a high proportion of refugees. "We need to distribute more fairly," concluded the minister. She is also responsible for the area of social cohesion in Saxony.

Read also:

  1. Petra Köpping, the SPD politician serving as Saxony's Minister of Social Affairs, underscores the importance of rapid and successful integration for improving public acceptance of refugees in Germany.
  2. In the midst of the refugee crisis in 2015, the lack of clear communication about the state's support for refugees led to questions about what politicians were doing to help, and Köpping emphasized the need for maintaining equality for all in need.
  3. Regarding migration, Köpping asserts that many people in Saxony are willing to help refugees, but they seek order in the system and want clear and swift decisions, such as repatriation agreements and efficient asylum procedures at the border.
  4. The SPD minister highlights that honesty and offering feasible solutions are key to maintaining public trust, as she expects intense debates on migration and refugee distribution to arise in the upcoming year with elections and campaigns.
  5. Köpping also acknowledges the need for a more equitable distribution of refugees within Saxony, as only 59 out of the 418 municipalities in the Free State maintain shared accommodation for affected individuals, resulting in an uneven distribution of the burden.




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