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Kölz takes third victory at Stuttgart Indoor Championships

Hans-Dieter Dreher from Germany jumps over a fence with his horse Embassy
Hans-Dieter Dreher from Germany jumps over a fence with his horse Embassy

Kölz takes third victory at Stuttgart Indoor Championships

Show jumper Markus Kölz from Winnenden has won the Baden-Württemberg Indoor Championships at the Stuttgart German Masters for the third time. Riding his 15-year-old gelding Dornadello, the 46-year-old remained penalty-free on Thursday in front of 6500 spectators in the jump-off against five competitors with the fastest time.

As in the previous year, Andy Witzemann from Winterlingen had to be satisfied with second place on Cassadero after temporarily taking the lead. Tina Deuerer from Eppelheim came third on the eight-year-old Emrado. Favorite Hans-Dieter Dreher from Eimeldingen was unable to intervene in the decision after a knockdown in the round on Jiniki.

As on the previous day, Franz Trischberger from Hofgut Allerer once again won the Intermédiaire I dressage test on his mare Sarotti, this time in a freestyle decision, with 77.900 percent. The professional rider from Bavaria thus won the Dressage Cup for the first time.

The places behind him were swapped compared to the previous day: pony rider Ann-Cathrin Rieg from Schwäbisch Gmünd came second this time on Steendieks Derrick (74.875 percent) ahead of defending champion Moritz Treffinger from Phöben on Francis Royal (74.375 percent).


