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Koch looks with concern at developments in the world

War in Europe, conflicts in the Middle East, pressure on democracy: CDU parliamentary group leader Koch sees many problems when looking beyond Schleswig-Holstein's borders. Worries predominate.

Tobias Koch, parliamentary group leader of his party in the Schleswig-Holstein state
Tobias Koch, parliamentary group leader of his party in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament.

CDU parliamentary group leader - Koch looks with concern at developments in the world

Before the Christmas break, Tobias Koch, leader of the CDU parliamentary group in the Schleswig-Holstein state parliament, is concerned about developments in the world. "If you limit your view to the country, then you still have the feeling that we're doing quite well here," Koch told dpa. "But as soon as we look beyond the country's borders, we have more than cause for concern." There is Russia's war against Ukraine and a major war situation could arise in the Middle East at any time.

The Western model of democracy is under pressure worldwide. "Autarkies and dictatorships are on the rise." The Western world's approach after the fall of the Berlin Wall of exporting its own value system to the whole world was perhaps a little naïve, as nice as that would have been. "At the moment, we must rather fear that our model is being undermined."

A little more humility is needed. We don't always have to point the finger and want to change everything in the world. "But we must take a firm stance against developments where they are heading in the wrong direction." Koch warned against coming to terms with Russia's behavior. "That cannot and must not be our position." A different approach will also have to be taken with China and dependencies reduced.

With regard to the global situation, he shares the view of Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (SPD) that we must regain our ability to defend ourselves as quickly as possible. "Our Bundeswehr must regain its ability to defend the country and do so in the shortest possible time," said Koch.

The mood in Germany is such that "we can be worried about our democracy." The European elections and three state elections are due next year. "I am very worried about the ability of these states to govern if the AfD really does get 30 percent or more in the state elections in Saxony or Thuringia," said the parliamentary group leader.

In his view,Schleswig-Holstein has shown how things can be done differently. With a positive and appreciative political style that overcame the usual political camp formation, they had managed to throw the AfD out of the state parliament again. "The party-political profiling addiction of the three traffic light parties with constant mutual recriminations, on the other hand, has the exact opposite effect," Koch is convinced.

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