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Knowledge about sunscreen usage differs significantly from actual practice.

Frequently, these events occur selectively.

If the sun is shining, it is better to apply sunscreen thoroughly - because UV radiation is the...
If the sun is shining, it is better to apply sunscreen thoroughly - because UV radiation is the biggest risk factor for the development of skin cancer.

Knowledge about sunscreen usage differs significantly from actual practice.

The majority of individuals recognize the significance of shielding their skin from the sun to prevent skin cancer. Nonetheless, many individuals still overlook the use of sunscreen. Surprisingly, men tend to be more careless than women.

Although most people recognize the value of protecting themselves from the sun's rays, only 24% of respondents in a Forsa survey funded by the AOK health insurance company claimed to utilize sunscreen only during specific occasions, such as at an outdoor pool or on vacation. Simultaneously, 81% stated that sun protection was a priority for them. Approximately half of respondents (50%) purposefully stay out of direct sunlight.

However, a substantial portion (38%) attach importance to achieving a summer tan. Nearly the same proportion (37%) have experienced sunburns one to multiple times a year. Almost half of participants (48%) admitted to frequently forgetting to apply sunscreen.

Sun Protection's Top Priority for Skin Cancer Prevention

Specialists agree that UV radiation represents the primary risk factor in the development of skin cancer, which has recently seen an increase in cases in Germany. Regularly using sunscreen and sunspray is crucial for avoiding harm to one's health.

Women demonstrated a higher tendency than men to use sunscreen; 72% of women typically guard themselves against the sun during spring and summer, compared with 58% of males. Additionally, younger people possess a greater understanding of the hazards of sunburn, as only 2% of 18- to 34-year-olds reported never using sunscreen. Among older individuals, those aged 65 or above, the rate escalated to 9%.

Another survey discovery: approximately two-thirds (61%) of people associate the scent of sunscreen with vacations. While 46% appreciate the smell, 44% expressed discomfort with the sensation of sunscreen on their skin.

For the Forsa survey, 1,508 people aged 18 and older from across Germany were questioned online between March 22nd and April 4th.

The survey included questions on: What steps do you typically take to safeguard yourself from the sun during the spring and summer months? Do you apply sunscreen (for instance, sun cream/spray) when you are outdoors during time periods of high UV exposure (for instance, in the summer)? (Several potential responses) *

Read also:

Despite acknowledging the importance of sunscreen for cancer prevention, many individuals fail to consistently apply it. According to a survey, only a quarter of respondents use sunscreen regularly, while over half admit to frequently forgetting. Furthermore, education about the need for regular sunscreen use needs to address the misconception that sun protection is less important when avoiding a tan.




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