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Knockout drops at graduation party? Police investigate

The police are called to a graduation party. Were three women drugged with knockout drops? Laboratory tests should provide more clarity.

The police have been called out to a graduation party in Neuzelle. (symbolic picture)
The police have been called out to a graduation party in Neuzelle. (symbolic picture)

Crime - Knockout drops at graduation party? Police investigate

After a farewell party in Neuzelle, in the Oder-Spree district, the police are investigating whether women may have been potential victims of "KO" drops. A spokesperson for the Police Directorate East stated that there is a suspicion that harmful substances have been used. Three women, aged 18, 19, and 22, who attended the farewell party over the weekend, were taken to the hospital. Two of them were unconscious, the police spokesperson said. An investigation is being conducted for suspected dangerous bodily harm.

The investigators had blood samples analyzed, but the results were still pending. It will be clarified whether and how the women came into contact with harmful substances. They were classified as slightly injured and could have left the hospital on the same day, the police reported. The farewell party in Neuzelle was publicly accessible from 10:02 p.m. onwards with tickets at the box office.

It is still unclear which substances played a role. "KO" drops usually consist of Gammahydroxybutyric acid, or GHB for short. This is a colorless liquid that can easily be mixed into drinks without the victim noticing. They act sedating and muscle relaxing, but can also lead to nausea, shortness of breath, and unconsciousness.

  1. The crime investigation in Neuzelle, connected to the farewell party, could potentially involve other women who attended the graduation event.
  2. The police are urging any women who might have been at the weekend graduation party in Brandenburg's Oder-Spree district, particularly those who felt unwell after consuming their drinks, to come forward.
  3. Following the suspicious incident at the graduation party, it's advisable for women to be cautious while attending similar events, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activities related to drug spiking.
  4. The police in Or-Spree district are collaborating with toxicology experts to identify any possible links between the harsh substance found in the three victims and the party venue, in hopes of preventing future similar incidents at graduation parties.

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