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Knife attack on children - trial against 21-year-old begins

Six months after a knife attack on two children in Duisburg, the trial against a 21-year-old man begins. However, the purpose of the trial at the Duisburg Regional Court is not imprisonment.

Two children were injured, but the trial in Duisburg is not about a prison sentence.
Two children were injured, but the trial in Duisburg is not about a prison sentence.

- Knife attack on children - trial against 21-year-old begins

In Duisburg, a trial begins at the regional court on Wednesday at 1:00 PM against a 21-year-old man accused of severely injuring two children, aged nine and ten, in a knife attack in February. Prosecutors are treating the incident as an attempted murder.

However, the trial, known as a 'safety procedure', is not about imposing a prison sentence. The 21-year-old is believed to suffer from a severe mental illness and was not responsible for his actions at the time of the incident. The judges must now decide whether the German poses a danger to the public and should therefore be committed to a secure psychiatric clinic indefinitely.

The trial against the 21-year-old is taking place at the Regional Court in Duisburg. Despite the severe charges, the primary objective of the trial is not to impose a prison sentence due to the man's mental illness.

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