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KMK President Believes AI Counterfeiting Needs Attention

Artificial intelligence used for creating fake nude images or messages can lead to bullying in schools.

Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD), President of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of...
Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD), President of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used to create forged photos, videos, and audio recordings demands to be raised as a topic at schools, asserts the President of the Conference of Ministers of Culture and Education (KMK) Christine Streichert-Clivot (SPD). In her view, school-going kids need to be made aware of the possible devastation that could ensue if they utilize the technology without thinking it through. In Saarbrücken, she informed the German Press Agency that the implications of employing AI for manipulating images, videos, and audios are so user-friendly that they can be put to mischievous use by anyone. The AI's potential for distorting facts makes it increasingly challenging for observers to identify whether they're viewing the truth or a fabrication.

AI's application in forgery is so widespread that it can attract anyone. Thus, confronting the subject in schools is critically important. In the state of Saarland, AI's ramifications will be covered under computer science courses that are accessible to pupils at the 7th grade. There are no recorded reports of cyberbullying using AI in Saarland's schools, but the issue is under watchful eyes. Elsewhere in Germany, media education is already proving effective.

The issue with AI-enabled cyberbullying is not easily perceptible as it's often lurking beneath the surface. A teacher can notice distress in their students and young learners but might not be privy to the digital manipulations. Not every victim is comfortable with discussing the matter.

The ubiquity of AI-crafted material is increasing. Representing Saarland, Christine mentioned that WhatsApp groups are the most prevalent medium for sharing visual content. This content is likely to include images fabricated with AI, completely unbeknownst to the children and possibly even the teachers themselves.

AI enables the construction of damaging content like fake nude photos, deceptive voice messages, and misleading videos. It is important for parents to discus with their children about what they're sharing in these groups and if they cross legal boundaries, report the cases to the relevant authorities. These boundaries extend to xenophobia, antisemitism, sexism, and even child pornography.

Read also:

  1. The KMK President believes that the misuse of AI for counterfeiting photographs, videos, and audio recordings requires attention in German schools, as it can have severe consequences if not properly understood.
  2. In German schools, the implications of using AI for manipulating images, videos, and audios are considered as part of computer science courses, starting from the 7th grade in the state of Saarland.
  3. While there are no reported cases of AI-enabled cyberbullying in Saarland's schools, the issue is closely monitored to ensure the safety and well-being of students.
  4. In contrast to Saarland, media education in other parts of Germany has proven effective in addressing the challenges posed by the wide use of AI-crafted content.
  5. The German Press Agency reported that President Christine Streichert-Clivot of the KMK stressed the importance of raising awareness about AI and its potential for forgery in schools, especially considering its user-friendly nature that could be exploited by anyone.
  6. In connection to the misuse of AI, the topic of forgery has gained significant attention at the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, as it poses a challenge for distinguishing fact from fabrication in media.
  7. With the widespread use of AI in forgery, it is crucial to discuss with children the ethical implications of sharing AI-generated content in platforms like WhatsApp groups, ensuring they understand the potential legal consequences associated with sharing harmful or inappropriate content.


