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KKH: First-half prescriptions for sick leaves at record high

In the first half of the year, the sick notes in the job continued to reach an all-time high, according to an analysis by the KKH health insurance in Hannover. In the first six months nationwide, there were 210 sickness cases per hundred employed members. This meant that each member was...

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KKH: First-half prescriptions for sick leaves at record high

In the first half of 2019, the number of work absences among members was significantly lower, at 122 per hundred. By 2024, this represents an increase of approximately 72%.

The primary reason for this significant increase is the persistently high number of respiratory infections such as Cough, the common cold, or influenza-like illnesses. In the first half of 2024, there were 70 cases per hundred insured individuals. In the previous year, there were 69 cases, and five years ago, there were only 34 cases. Respiratory infections accounted for roughly one-third of all illness cases from January to the end of June - that is, 34%.

The health status of KKH insured individuals remained high in comparison to the previous year in the first half of 2024. Approximately 6.5% of employees were sick-listed every day during this period. Five years ago, this figure was only 5%.

In a federal state comparison, Sachsen-Anhalt had the highest sick leave rate at 8.1%. Baden-Württemberg had the lowest sick leave rate at 5.4%. Employees in elderly and nursing care were the most affected. Their sick leave rates were still particularly critical at 10.9% or 11.9%.

  1. To manage their persistent coughs, many KKH insured individuals sought prescription medications, leading to an increase in prescription drug usage.
  2. In order to secure their leave due to illness, some employees obtained medical certificates from KKH, contributing to the rise in sick leaves.
  3. Despite the rise in respiratory infections, KKH continued to provide high-quality medical care, ensuring its insured individuals received treatment at the highest level of care.
  4. In the year half of 2024, KKH in Hannover reported similar trends in work absences and respiratory infections as observed in the entire nation.

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