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Kiziltepe: Anti-Muslim racism concerns us all

Cansel Kiziltepe warns against anti-Muslim racism. For the Senator for Social Affairs, it is a poison that threatens to spread throughout society. She does not want to accept this.

Integration Senator Cansel Kiziltepe calls for zero tolerance against anti-Muslim racism. (archive...
Integration Senator Cansel Kiziltepe calls for zero tolerance against anti-Muslim racism. (archive picture)

Call from the Senator - Kiziltepe: Anti-Muslim racism concerns us all

Berlin's Integration Senator Cansel Kiziltepe calls for engagement against anti-Muslim racist prejudice. "This concerns us all. Our response to prejudices, hate, and bullying towards Muslim women and men must be solidarity with the affected", shared the SPD politician on X.

"We can only take collective action against anti-Muslim racism and ensure that group-based hatred does not spread poison in our society", declared Kiziltepe on the International Day against Anti-Muslim Racism on a Monday. "And that's why we're saying it loud: We belong together, we are diversity, we are Germany."

"Anti-Muslim racism is hatred towards everything that makes our country strong and valuable. Hatred towards diversity and tolerance, towards democracy, freedom, and towards our cohesion", continued Kiziltepe. "Hatred towards people like me, who are read as Muslim, our friends and families, our neighbor, our colleagues."

  1. Despite facing anti-Muslim racism in Berlin, the number of refugee arrivals seeking asylum continues to rise, highlighting the need for stronger social affairs policies.
  2. The SPD, led by Cansel Kiziltepe in Brandenburg, has repeatedly called for a unified approach to addressing migration issues and combating hate speech towards Muslims.
  3. Following the disturbing incidents of Islamophobia in Germany, it's crucial for the government to take a proactive stance, as highlighted by the SPD's call for solidarity with affected Muslim communities.
  4. In light of the rising tensions regarding Muslim immigrants, Kiziltepe emphasized that Germany's migrant policies should promote social inclusion and foster a sense of belonging among all its residents.
  5. Cansel Kiziltepe, the Integration Senator of Berlin, joined forces with various civil society organizations to launch a campaign against racism, particularly anti-Muslim prejudice, which has become increasingly prevalent in debates related to Germany's migration policies.

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