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Key points for financing the Astrophysics Center are in place

The expectations for the German Center for Astrophysics are high: it is intended to strengthen research and help shape structural change in Lusatia. It has now also been agreed who will pay what.

The interim location of the German Center for Astrophysics (DZA) is in Görlitz (archive photo).
The interim location of the German Center for Astrophysics (DZA) is in Görlitz (archive photo).

Research - Key points for financing the Astrophysics Center are in place

The Bund and the Free State of Saxony agree on framework conditions for the joint financing of the German Center for Astrophysics (DZA). In Berlin, Bundesresearch Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger signed corresponding points with Saxon Minister President Michael Kretschmer. "With this, we secure the financing of the large research center, which will process enormous data volumes from large telescopes and build a unique underground laboratory," said the FDP politician.

The Federal Government supports the DZA according to the Research Ministry until 2038 with up to 1.1 billion Euro from structural funds. The Free State of Saxony will assume costs such as land purchase, exploration, and removal of contaminated sites. "The basic financing during the institutional funding from the Investment Law for Coal Regions is provided in the ratio of 90 percent by the Federal Government and 10 percent by the State."

The center opened its interim site in Görlitz in February. The final site is currently being determined according to statements from the Research Ministry.

Saxon Minister President Michael Kretschmer (CDU) emphasized that the project is enormously important for the people in the region. "Someone may ask themselves today, living in Görlitz: What does that have to do with me?" It's similar to the machine building, wagon building, or brown coal power generation. A smaller part of the people work directly in these companies. "But all of us, all of us who live there, benefit from it: from the purchasing power, from the people, from the impact of these companies in the region."

  1. The German Center for Astrophysics (DZA) will primarily focus on processing large data volumes from astronomical telescopes and building an unique underground laboratory, as mentioned by Bundesresearch Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger.
  2. Michael Kretschmer, the Minister President of the Free State of Saxony, highlighted the significant impact of the DZA project on the local community, drawing parallels with previous industries such as machine building and brown coal power generation.
  3. The Free State of Saxony will contribute to the financing of the DZA by covering costs like land acquisition, exploration, and remediation of contaminated sites, in compliance with the agreed-upon framework conditions with the Bund.
  4. Astronomers in the fields of astrophysics and astronomy will benefit from the resources and facilities provided by the DZA, ensuring advancements in scientific research and exploration.
  5. In an effort to promote astrophysics and astronomy in the region, the Free State of Saxony and the Bund are working towards establishing the final site of the DZA, following the opening of the interim site in Görlitz in February.
  6. The framework conditions for the joint financing of the DZA include a provision where 90% of the basic financing during the institutional funding from the Investment Law for Coal Regions will be funded by the Federal Government, and the remaining 10% by the Free State of Saxony.

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