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Kenya's coalition expresses satisfaction over the financial report

Following nearly five years, the Kenya alliance is assessing its arrangement of mutual benefit. Notwithstanding widening disagreements, the partners are displaying unity.

Michael Stübgen (CDU, l-r), Minister of the Interior of Brandenburg, Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister...
Michael Stübgen (CDU, l-r), Minister of the Interior of Brandenburg, Dietmar Woidke (SPD), Minister President of Brandenburg, and Ursula Nonnemacher (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), Minister of Health of Brandenburg, take part in a press conference at the Brandenburg State Chancellery to take stock of the red-black-green coalition.

Anti-government forces protest - Kenya's coalition expresses satisfaction over the financial report

The Red-Black-Green alliance has recently made some notable improvements, just a few months before the state election. Brandenburg's Prime Minister, Dietmar Woidke (SPD), shared his thoughts during the presentation of the report card in Potsdam, stating, "If this weren't a love marriage, it was still a very productive arranged marriage." The alliance achieved significant feats, such as Tesla's settlement in the region, maintaining oil supplies at the Schwedt refinery without the use of Russian oil, and constructing a railway station and medical university in Cottbus. There have been an incredible number of future projects in this election period compared to any other time before.

Interior Minister and CDU member Michael Stübgen highlighted the increase in police stations, more judges and prosecutors, better support for railway workers, and a decrease in irregular migration through border controls with Poland. He admitted, "We've done quite well." However, he also pointed out, "The differences among us are pretty significant." The CDU state chairman, Jan Redmann, has always been firm about wanting a government sans Green participation after the September election.

Ursula Nonnemacher, Health Minister and Green Party member, mentioned combating African swine fever, implementing Corona ordinances to protect health, Pact for Care, creating more space in community shelters, and progressive measures for climate change as accomplishments of the coalition. She acknowledged the growing differences between the alliance partners but emphasized they've always found effective solutions for the country.

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