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Kelheim area declares end to emergency measures

Following nearly a week, Kelheim's district in Lower Bavaria has terminated the ongoing state of emergency. This information was disclosed by the district office on Saturday. The floodwaters from the Danube are gradually subsiding. According to local operations manager Nikolaus Höfler, "Some...

The floods have flooded streets in Abensberg in the Lower Bavarian district of Kelheim.
The floods have flooded streets in Abensberg in the Lower Bavarian district of Kelheim.

Massive storm on the horizon threatens to bring downpower lines and cause disruption. - Kelheim area declares end to emergency measures

In Bad Abbach, Kelheim, Neustadt, and Saal, officials have banned people from entering certain areas near the dikes. District Administrator Martin Neumeyer announced a state of emergency last Sunday due to persistent rain that caused rivers and streams to overflow in multiple locations, mainly in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. As a result, hundreds of residents had to evacuate their homes. Thousands of volunteers are still assisting with the cleanup efforts.

The state of emergency in Straubing ended on Saturday as the Danube receded to level 3 on a four-tier scale. However, it remains in effect in other districts and towns.

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