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Kämpfer wants to decide on another candidacy in 2024

Kiel's Lord Mayor Ulf Kämpfer is said to have state political ambitions. In 2024, the SPD politician wants to consider whether he will seek a third term in office in the state capital.

Ulf Kämpfer (SPD), deputy state chairman and mayor of Kiel, speaks.
Ulf Kämpfer (SPD), deputy state chairman and mayor of Kiel, speaks.

Parties - Kämpfer wants to decide on another candidacy in 2024

Kiel's Lord Mayor Ulf Kämpfer (SPD) wants to consider running for another term of office in 2024. "I can rule out starting another term of office in 2026 and then running in the state elections in 2027," he told the "Kieler Nachrichten" newspaper (Saturday) when asked about his state political ambitions. "Entering state politics is certainly an option. But above all, I am the Lord Mayor of Kiel with heart and soul."

What was important for the decision was whether he had the freshness to be Lord Mayor for another six years. "It's an office that wears on you. At the same time, I have great opportunities to shape things, which are often more concrete than in state politics." In the past almost ten years, a lot has been achieved and initiated. "For example, getting the light rail system off the ground would be very appealing."

Regarding the SPD 's prospects in state politics, Kämpfer said that it was not so easy with only twelve members in the state parliamentary group against the popular Minister President Daniel Günther (CDU). "But there are prospects." In the state elections, the SPD achieved 16 percent and the CDU 43 percent. In the local elections, it was 19 to 34 percent statewide. "If things continue in this direction, there is definitely something in it for the SPD in 2027." A coastal coalition of SPD, Greens and SSW was less than ten percentage points short of a majority. "We can make up for that in the three and a half years until the election," said Kämpfer.

Read also:

  1. Ulf Kämpfer, the SPD's current Lord Mayor of Kiel, is considering a bid for another term of office during the 2024 state election.
  2. During his candidacy discussion with the "Kieler Nachrichten" newspaper, Kämpfer ruled out running in the 2026 state election and the following 2027 state elections.
  3. The decision to run again depended on his energy and ability to serve as Lord Mayor for another six years, as he believed the role wears on individuals but provides opportunities for significant impact.
  4. The SPD's chances in state politics, with only 12 members against the CDU's popular Minister President Daniel Günther, were not straightforward, but Kämpfer saw prospects for the party in the upcoming 2027 state election.




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