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Jusos reject black-red coalition agreement

The CDU and SPD in Hesse want to forge a new government alliance. Headwinds are already blowing in one of the two parties.

National policy - Jusos reject black-red coalition agreement

The Jusos reject the draft of the black-red coalition agreement in Hesse. The SPD youth organization announced on Friday that several of their demands had not been adequately considered in the previous negotiations. In addition, the "far-reaching tightening in the area of migration" and a "right-wing populist gender ban" in schools and universities, for example, are not acceptable.

Lukas Schneider, head of the Juso party, emphasized: "Government participation at any price is not acceptable to us. If the Social Democratic signature in a coalition agreement is as thin as water, government participation loses its significance and legitimacy."

In the state elections on October 8, the CDU received 15.1 percent of the vote, less than half of the CDU's 34.6 percent. As a result, the Christian Democrats, for example, will receive eight ministries and the Social Democrats only three.

The CDU and SPD want to decide on the draft of the 184-page government program for the years 2024 to 2029 at party conferences in Frankfurt and Groß-Umstadt in southern Hesse this Saturday (16 September). On Friday, the Jusos appealed to delegates to "vote against the coalition agreement".

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