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Juso leader Rosenthal criticizes Linder and debt brake

Jessica Rosenthal, Chairwoman of the Young Socialists (Jusos), opens the Federal Congress with
Jessica Rosenthal, Chairwoman of the Young Socialists (Jusos), opens the Federal Congress with her

Juso leader Rosenthal criticizes Linder and debt brake

Juso leader Jessica Rosenthal has sharply attacked Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and his adherence to the debt brake. "Nothing is more dangerous to prosperity than a false ideology of the debt brake," said Rosenthal in a video message at the federal congress of the SPD youth organization in Braunschweig on Friday.

Lindner is making the worst decision he could possibly make by continuing to cling to the debt brake. It urgently needs to be abolished, said the member of the Bundestag. She was glad that the SPD had now clearly positioned itself on this issue. What Germany needs is investment. The Jusos should fight at the federal party conference in December for this to be included in the SPD's program.

Rosenthal has been head of the Jusos since 2021, but did not want to run for the chairmanship again in Braunschweig because she had a child. She has also been a member of the Bundestag since 2021. During her time in office, the Jusos have succeeded in fighting for visions, standing up for issues of justice and bringing about real change, said the 31-year-old.

Jusos, led by Jessica Rosenthal, advocate for the abolition of the debt brake, as they believe it hinders necessary investments for prosperity. At the upcoming SPD federal party conference, Rosenthal and Jusos will push for this to be included in the party's program.


