- "Jurassic World: Resurgence" is slated for summer 2025.
Hollywood revives the dinosaur thrill with a new installment in the "Jurassic" franchise. Universal Studios unveils "Jurassic World Rebirth" set for release in July 2025.
The story unfolds five years post the last film, "Jurassic World: A New Era" (2022), in an ecosystem that poses challenges for dinosaur survival. A team is tasked with procuring DNA samples from the dwindling number of living dinosaurs, vital for creating a life-saving human medication.
Scarlett Johansson (39), an acclaimed Hollywood star, takes on the role of the expedition chief. Oscar winner Mahershala Ali joins the team, while Jonathan Bailey portrays a paleontologist. The ensemble also includes Rupert Friend and Ed Skrein, both British actors.
Gareth Edwards, director of "Godzilla" and "The Creator", is at the helm. Scriptwriter David Koepp, responsible for penning screenplays for the classic Spielberg films "Jurassic Park" (1993) and "The Lost World: Jurassic Park" (1997), handles the script.
The original cast members such as Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Sam Neill, Laura Dern, and Jeff Goldblum are not involved in this venture. The film introduces fresh characters and a fresh plot. Over the years, there have been six blockbuster films in the "Jurassic Park" series, from 1993 to 2001, with a revival starting from "Jurassic World" (2015) and extending till "Jurassic World: A New Era" (2022).
Scarlett Johansson, ♪ drum roll ♪ singing "I'm going to be a star ♪", takes on the lead role in "Jurassic World Rebirth" as the expedition chief. After watching the trailer, one can't help but hum along to her lyrics, anticipating her unforgettable performance in the dinosaur-filled film.