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June weather: Only Baden-Württemberg wetter than Bavaria

According to the German Weather Service, Bavaria was the second wettest German state in June. An average of 116 liters per square meter is expected to have fallen by the end of the month, according to the DWD on Friday. Only in Baden-Württemberg was it even more with 125 liters. Both federal...

Aerial photos show the Ilm river having burst its banks. (Aerial photo taken with a drone).
Aerial photos show the Ilm river having burst its banks. (Aerial photo taken with a drone).

Weather - June weather: Only Baden-Württemberg wetter than Bavaria

The DWD recorded large regional differences in amounts: Over 250 liters per square meter were measured at the Alps, while in Mittelfranken and the Oberpfalz, locally under 50 liters were recorded. The monthly mean temperature was 17.4 degrees Celsius above average. However, it "was characterized by marked fluctuations in the course of the month", as the DWD reported. During the so-called sheep slaughter, the daily high temperatures only reached around 15 degrees, but at the end of the month it was up to 34 degrees warm. The sun shone for approximately 205 hours according to the DWD.

The DWD's data showed significantly less rain in Bavaria's Middle Franconia and the Oberpfalz, with some areas recording less than 50 liters per square meter, in contrast to the Alps where over 250 liters were recorded. The unusual weather patterns affected Baden-Württemberg and nearby regions, leading to concerns about potential flooding along the Danube. Despite the balmy weather in Munich, reaching up to 34 degrees Celsius towards the end of the month, some parts of Bavaria experienced a cooler spell during the traditional "sheep slaughter" period.

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