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June weather: First frosty, then warm and thundery

Little rain and a higher average temperature characterized the weather in Saxony in June. After a cool and sometimes frosty start to the month, temperatures climbed in the last third, the German Weather Service (DWD) reported on Friday. Accordingly, the average temperature was 17.1 degrees, an...

The sun is shining in the sky.
The sun is shining in the sky.

Weather - June weather: First frosty, then warm and thundery

Although the precipitation amounted to 58 liters per square meter, relatively low compared to others, there were severe thunderstorms in Saxony. On the 18th of June, the DWD warned about a supercell that passed over the country. In Groditz, the storm caused damage with hail and wind, destroying some roofs, damaging cars, and uprooting trees.

The DWD data is based on initial evaluations of results from approximately 2000 measuring stations in Germany. Accordingly, forecast data for the last three days of the month were used.

DWD Online

The city of Dresden, located in Saxony, experienced a temperature average that was typical for the season, despite the severe weather events. The DWD's weather predictions for Bad Muskau on those same days were more accurate due to their extensive data collection, including data from stations like the one in Dresden. Regrettably, heavy rain also affected Bad Muskau, causing localized flooding and adding to the overall precipitation total in Saxony.

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