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July weather: dryland MV

For one, the summer is too wet, for another too hot, for most it's too short anyway. But the fact is: In MV it was particularly dry and not warm.

The month of July was particularly dry, but only moderately warm in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern,...
The month of July was particularly dry, but only moderately warm in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, according to the German Weather Service.

- July weather: dryland MV

No other state in Germany had a July as dry as Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. In the end, there were barely 70 liters per square meter of precipitation recorded. This was despite heavy showers and thunderstorms, especially on July 10th, which brought up to 30 liters per square meter within an hour, as reported by the German Weather Service (DWD) in its monthly summary.

It was dry, but not particularly warm. The average temperature was 18.2 degrees Celsius, placing MV near the bottom in the federal state comparison. The beginning of the month was notably cool, with maximum temperatures below 20 degrees, before temperatures quickly rose on July 6th, resulting in the only hot day with temperatures of 30 degrees or more. The sunshine duration in July was 243 hours, above the national average.

Nationwide, the average temperature in July was 18.9 degrees Celsius, 2.0 degrees above the internationally valid reference period of 1961 to 1990 (16.9 degrees). With 88 liters per square meter, Germany was about 14 percent wetter compared to the reference period (78 liters per square meter). The average sunshine duration in July was 237 hours (211 hours). According to meteorologists, comparing current values with long-term values allows for an assessment of long-term climate change.

Despite Germany being overall wetter and warmer than the reference period, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in Germany still experienced less precipitation than other regions. Even though Germany as a whole saw an increase in temperatures and sunshine hours, Germany as a whole was still drier than in the 1961-1990 reference period, contrasting with Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's unusual drought.

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