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July in Baden-Württemberg was significantly warmer

Significantly warmer and slightly sunnier than usual, July in Baden-Württemberg saw both heavy showers and thunderstorms.

Approximately 8% more sun than normal shone in Baden-Württemberg in July.
Approximately 8% more sun than normal shone in Baden-Württemberg in July.

- July in Baden-Württemberg was significantly warmer

In July, Baden-Württemberg experienced a mean temperature of 19.5 degrees Celsius, significantly warmer than average. This value placed it at the top of the federal states comparison, according to the German Weather Service. While the month saw more sunshine, it was also characterized by heavy showers and thunderstorms.

Temperatures exceeded 30 degrees Celsius on at least five days, with the end of the month being particularly warm. Short heatwaves alternated with cooler phases, according to the DWD. The sun shone approximately eight percent longer than usual.

Heavy showers and thunderstorms also occurred in July in the southwest. With 84 liters per square meter, the monthly rainfall was slightly below average. The south-east and west of Baden-Württemberg received the most rain.

The German Weather Service compares these data with the period from 1961 to 1990, the international standard of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). During this time, the long-term average for July in Baden-Württemberg was 17.1 degrees Celsius.

The July weather in Baden-Württemberg was characterized by heavy showers and thunderstorms, as mentioned by the German Weather Service. Despite the rain, the month also saw an increase in sunshine, allowing temperatures to exceed 30 degrees Celsius on some days.

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