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"Jugend forscht" champions: exploring exoplanets and musical strings.

Top young German researchers have been chosen, with their projects spanning from bacterial fuel cells to inventing a new tuning tool for violins. The selections took place in Heilbronn.

107 projects qualified for the final of the national "Jugend forscht" competition.
107 projects qualified for the final of the national "Jugend forscht" competition.

Accolade Given - "Jugend forscht" champions: exploring exoplanets and musical strings.

The winners of the "Jugend forscht" national contest have been chosen, and they were honored in Heilbronn. One of the victors is Reinhard Köcher (16) from Baden-Württemberg, who triumphed in the "Work World" category with a motor-controlled gadget that effortlessly tunes violin strings to the appropriate frequency.

Lilly Schwarz (16) from Hessen received the prize for the most interdisciplinary work. By employing Deep Learning, she managed to lower the time required for climate simulations. She investigated climate transitions' potential tipping points. In the realm of Geo- and Space Sciences, Anna Maria Weiß (18) from Brandenburg emerged victorious. She demonstrated that the object TOI1147b is an exoplanet that revolves around its parent star in a highly elliptical orbit.

More than 175 gifted individuals showed off their research endeavors in the federal final. These researchers had previously qualified in their respective state contests. The 107 projects encompassed topics ranging from environmental conservation to neural networks.

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