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Judiciary imposes fewer fines in 2023

The justice system often also imposes financial penalties on defendants. They then have to pay money to charitable organizations or to the state. However, the state received much less in 2023.

The justice system does not only impose penalties. If proceedings are discontinued, for example, a...
The justice system does not only impose penalties. If proceedings are discontinued, for example, a fine may be imposed.

Social affairs - Judiciary imposes fewer fines in 2023

In the previous year, prosecutors and courts in Saxony-Anhalt imposed significantly less in fines than in 2022. The total amount was approximately 4.93 million Euro. In 2022, it had been 7.37 million Euro. Since 2012, the sum of fines fluctuated between around 2.8 million and this highest amount of over 7 million Euro. The money goes both into the state treasury and to charitable organizations and projects.

Less money for the state coffers

The Land of Saxony-Anhalt received significantly less money from these fines in the previous year. The amount was 3.48 million Euro, compared to around 6 million Euro in 2022. However, a high sum was still allocated for charitable purposes, amounting to roughly 1.457 million Euro in total. A look back shows: This is the highest value in a table of the Justice Ministry, which reaches back to the year 2012.

State authorities can impose fines in the course of investigative and penal proceedings. This can be the case if a proceeding against a fine is discontinued. The court or prosecutor determines the purpose for which the payment is intended.

Sick children benefit

The highest total amount went to aid for health-damaged and disabled children in 2023, amounting to around 347,000 Euro. Approximately 235,000 Euro went to general social services and 225,000 Euro to general youth welfare. Around 81,000 Euro were reportedly allocated to traffic education and safety. Jurists often choose such purposes that have a connection to the offense. Around 146,000 Euro went to nature and environmental protection. The smallest sum went to the Prisoners' and Probationers' Aid with approximately 40,000 Euro in the previous year.

An overview from the Justice Ministry shows the recipients of the largest sums: The Förderstiftung der Pfeifferschen Stiftungen received around 44,600 Euro, the Verein zur Förderung krebskranker Kinder e.V. Halle around 29,000 Euro, and the Deutsche Kinderschutzbund Mansfeld-Südharz e.V. received 28,450 Euro.

  1. The decrease in fines imposed by the public prosecutor's office in Saxony-Anhalt led to less funding for social affairs projects in the previous year.
  2. As a result of the reduced fines, the Ministry of Justice in Saxony-Anhalt allocated less money to charitable organizations, amounting to approximately 1.457 million Euro in total.
  3. In contrast to the decrease in fines, the fine for just causes that benefited children's health and welfare increased significantly, reaching around 347,000 Euro in 2023.
  4. The reduction in fines and its impact on public finances has sparked discussions within society and the political sphere regarding the effectiveness of the current justice system in Saxony-Anhalt.

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