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Judicial decision on price tags' potential risks

A woman in Munich encountered danger in the locker room, starting innocuously with a T-shirt incident, leading to legal intervention.

Die Figur der Justitia, römische Göttin der Gerechtigkeit, ist auf dem Giebel des Justizpalastes...
Die Figur der Justitia, römische Göttin der Gerechtigkeit, ist auf dem Giebel des Justizpalastes zu sehen.

Steps or Procedures - Judicial decision on price tags' potential risks

A shopper got hurt while trying on a shirt at a store due to a price tag hitting her eye - Munich I District Court rules no compensation required. As per a non-binding ruling revealed on Tuesday, a customer should first examine the price tag before wearing it and could have prevented the injury. The court deemed the shopper's demand to highlight the presence of labels on clothing as absurd and unreasonable.

In April 2023, a customer intended to test out a T-shirt in a discount store. As she put on the shirt, the price tag struck her right eye, apparently causing significant injury. The court's ruling, titled "The Price Tag That Leapt into the Eye," indicated that the woman underwent a corneal transplantation after the incident and still suffers from pain and limited vision. She sought 5,000 euros in reparation.

The court rejected the claim. The store owner had met their safety obligations, and the presence of a price tag on clothes was predetermined, making it the shopper's responsibility to consider their safety. The announcement described the label as regular with rounded edges, making it clearly observable.

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