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Judges should help out at public prosecutors' offices

In view of the rapidly growing mountain of more than 230,000 unresolved investigations, judges in North Rhine-Westphalia are to help out at the public prosecutor's offices. This is the result of a report by NRW Justice Minister Benjamin Limbach (Greens) to the state parliament.

A microphone in a courtroom.
A microphone in a courtroom.

Justice - Judges should help out at public prosecutors' offices

In view of the rapidly growing mountain of more than 230,000 unresolved investigations, judges in North Rhine-Westphalia are to help out at the public prosecutor's offices. This emerges from a report by NRW Justice Minister Benjamin Limbach (Greens) to the state parliament.

According to the report, the presidents of the higher regional courts have signaled their support for load balancing. "Equalizing the burden is a sensitive measure," said Limbach in the state parliament's legal affairs committee on Wednesday. Something like this had not been done for many years. The public prosecutor's offices are heavily burdened nationwide.

The need for personnel in the public prosecutor's offices has probably almost doubled again in recent months. The Minister of Justice confirmed that there is now a need for 376 positions for public prosecutors. Corresponding figures from the Association of Judges and Public Prosecutors in NRW are correct. There had previously been talk of a shortfall of 200 posts.

Limbach had previously announced that the situation would be improved by reducing the number of unfilled positions. Within two years, the increase in open investigations in NRW amounted to 36 percent - only Hamburg had an even greater increase at 57 percent.

Report of the Minister of Justice

Read also:

  1. To alleviate the pressure on the public prosecutor's office due to the overwhelming number of unresolved investigations, judges in North Rhine-Westphalia are being requested to provide assistance.
  2. Benjamin Limbach, the Minister of Justice in North Rhine-Westphalia and a member of the Greens, highlighted the support of higher regional court presidents for this measure to distribute workload more evenly within the system.
  3. Amidst the surge in criminality in Germany, particularly in North Rhine-Westphalia, the demand for personnel in the public prosecutor's office has significantly increased, with around 376 additional positions required for public prosecutors.
  4. The need for additional public prosecutors in North Rhine-Westphalia has nearly doubled in recent months, as reported by Limbach during the state parliament's legal affairs committee.
  5. In response to the rising number of open investigations, which has increased by 36% in North Rhine-Westphalia, Limbach announced plans to reduce the number of unfilled positions to improve the situation.


