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JU Federal Executive Board may not invite to any state conference

For the time being, there will be no new election of the state executive committee of the Junge Union in Berlin. This is the consequence of a decision made by the regional court.

A sign points to the Berlin District Court on the façade of the Moabit Criminal Court.
A sign points to the Berlin District Court on the façade of the Moabit Criminal Court.

Party - JU Federal Executive Board may not invite to any state conference

The planned state conference of the Young Union Berlin, as planned by the federal executive committee, cannot take place due to a preliminary injunction by the Berlin Regional Court. The federal executive committee is prohibited from taking measures to prepare or conduct a state conference, as stated in the resolution text obtained by dpa. According to information from the news magazine "Politico," a new state executive committee of the Young Union was to be elected at the conference on Saturday.

Controversial election from the previous year

The election of the current Young Union Berlin chairman from the previous year is controversial. The CDU state association does not recognize it. According to their argumentation, the election should have taken place at a physical event, not digitally. Eight of the twelve Berlin Young Union district associations had boycotted the election, according to party information.

The Regional Court's decision in favor of the Young Union Berlin and its chairman was given against the Young Union Federal Committee. "It may be true that the election took place on an unconstitutional basis. The clarification of this matter and especially the consequences from the alleged unconstitutionality are to be clarified in the courts designated for this purpose," argued the Regional Court.

Federal Executive Committee: No comment

The federal executive committee should not interfere in this way until the party or federal arbitration court has not made a final decision on the validity of the election. The spokeswoman for the Young Union Federal Association, Mirjam Taufenbach, said she could not comment on the proceedings. The Berlin state association of the CDU also commented on the Regional Court's decision.

The media lawyer for the Young Union Berlin and its chairman, Ralf Höcker, stated: "This is a success for the Young Union Berlin and its elected executive committee. The undemocratic attempts of an internal minority to undermine the legitimacy of the Harald Burkart leadership have failed."

  1. The Regional Court's decision in favor of the Young Union Berlin and its chairman was given against the Federal Executive Committee, a stance that contrasts with the CDU state association's rejection of the election's validity.
  2. The Federal Executive Committee, while not commenting on the proceedings instigated by the Regional Court's decision, has agreed to await the party or federal arbitration court's final decision on the election's validity.
  3. The media lawyer for the Young Union Berlin and its chairman, Ralf Höcker, and the Young Union Berlin themselves are celebrating the Regional Court's decision, claiming it as a success for the legitimacy of their elected executive committee, which came under scrutiny from an internal minority of CDU parties.

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