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Joe Biden conveys that Israel suggested a comprehensive truce and a brief retreat from the Gaza Strip.

President Joe Biden announced that Israel has proposed a new, "culminating" agreement during the Gaza Strip ceasefire negotiations. This includes the implementation of a "full ceasefire," a six-week withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, as well as the release of Hamas detainees, which he...

US President Joe Biden
US President Joe Biden

Joe Biden conveys that Israel suggested a comprehensive truce and a brief retreat from the Gaza Strip.

Per Biden, Israel's proposed deal entails an all-out weapons truce along with the removal of Israeli troops from all densely populated zones within the Gaza Strip. This arrangement would be compensated by the freeing of various captives, such as women, elders, and the severely injured, in exchange for the liberation of numerous Palestinian inmates currently trapped in Israeli jails.

Regarding the prospect of continuous discussions regarding the ceasefire and liberation of captives within the Gaza Strip, Hamas has recently assumed a more uncompromising posture. As long as Israel fails to terminate hostilities in the Gaza Strip, they are not willing to enter negotiations, as affirmed by the radical Islamic Palestinian organization. Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniya affirmed on Friday that their crucial demands for a ceasefire and a full Israeli pullout "cannot be negotiated."

Israel approved the ongoing dialogue with Hamas concerning a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the liberation of captives last week. For months, mediators Egypt, Qatar, and the United States have been attempting to secure such an arrangement, but unfortunately without success.

The confrontation between Israel and Hamas, characterized as a terrorist organization by the US and EU, has persisted for more than seven months. Hamas militants orchestrated an extensive assault on Israel on October 7, resulting in 1189 fatalities, according to Israeli gauges. Furthermore, 252 individuals were snatched as hostages in the Gaza Strip. 121 of them are still captive, according to Israeli appraisals. 37 of these abductees are suspected to have perished.

In response to this unfathomable hostility, Israel has pursued substantial military operations within the Gaza Strip since then. According to the latest figures from the Ministry of Health, governed by Hamas, more than 36,200 casualties have been recorded so far. Source:

Read also:

  1. Joe Biden commended Israel for proposing a "complete" ceasefire and a short-term withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.
  2. Under the proposed deal, Israel would agree to an absolute weapons truce and evacuate troops from densely populated areas in the Gaza Strip.
  3. In return, Hamas would release numerous captives, including women, the elderly, and severely injured individuals, from Israeli prisons.
  4. The US President expressed hope that these negotiations would lead to a peaceful resolution, along with the liberation of Palestinian inmates.
  5. However, Hamas, led by Prime Minister Ismail Haniya, has shown reluctance to engage in negotiations until Israel fully ceases hostilities in the Gaza Strip.
  6. The US, alongside Egypt and Qatar, has been actively mediating ceasefire talks, but progress has been elusive due to Hamas's unyielding stance.
  7. Despite Biden's pleas for a truce, the conflict between Israel and Hamas, which the US and EU label as a terrorist organization, has persisted for over seven months.

