News Outlets Rewrite Headlines and Descriptions - Jochen Trum named as the head of the State Press Conference.
Several new board members have been appointed to the Landespressekonferenz, including Dorothea Hülsmeier from Deutsche Presse-Agentur, José Narciandi of Radio NRW, and Maximilian Plück from "Rheinische Post." Vivien Leue, who is the Landeskorrespondentin for Deutschlandradio, has also joined the board. She replaced Trum, who had served on the board for nine years before being elected as LPK chair.
The Landespressekonferenz is made up of journalists who primarily work at the state government and parliament buildings in Düsseldorf. The organization currently has 154 members.
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At the recent State press conference, Jochen Trum, who was previously a board member, was announced as the new chair of the Landespressekonferenz. This is significant as the Funke Media Group, which owns WDR, one of the major media outlets in North Rhine-Westphalia, has expressed support for the new leadership. During the conference, personal details about the new appointments, including Dorothea Hülsmeier from Deutsche Presse-Agentur and Vivien Leue, who replaced Trum, were shared with the press.