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Jena welcomes a fresh science campus.

A new campus dedicated to pharmacy and nutritional sciences is under construction in Jena city center, offering both teaching and research opportunities.

"Universitäts-Frauenklinik" is written on the façade of the former women's clinic.
"Universitäts-Frauenklinik" is written on the façade of the former women's clinic.

Study reveals insights into [subject] - Jena welcomes a fresh science campus.

A science campus is being developed in Jena with an investment of around 90.6 million euros. The renovation process has recently commenced, starting with examinations into the condition of the former women's clinic building. The construction phase is expected to begin by the end of next year. The campus will primarily house departments like pharmacy and nutritional sciences.

The university plans to construct a new building and renovate its current building that once served as a women's clinic. Additionally, a building for the German Aerospace Center (DLR) will be erected. A total of 8,575 square meters of usable space will be developed - 6,065 meters for the Institute of Pharmacy and parts of Institute of Nutritional Sciences at the university, and 2,511 meters for the Institute of Data Science at the DLR. Science Minister Wolfgang Tiefensee (SPD) remarked, "The substantial amount of unbroken space in close proximity to the city and other university sites presents a great potential for expansion as the largest biomedical university campus in Central Germany."

Georg Pohnert, acting head of the University of Jena, stated that these new facilities would greatly benefit students, who will have access to modern laboratories, seminar rooms, and lecture halls, as well as designated areas for studying and socializing. Pharmacy and pharmacist training currently takes place in outdated and cramped facilities.

The Free State is slated to provide 54.3 million euros from the European Regional Development Fund and 27.2 million euros from state funds by 2029. The remaining 10% of the total cost will be contributed by the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the DLR, both of which will utilize these facilities in the future.

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