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Jan Delay is a summertime tourist now.

Without Corona, Jan Delay might not have noticed the laid-back nature of a summer tour so sharply. Now, however, he has a very clear opinion on the matter.

Jan Delay now loves touring in the summer.
Jan Delay now loves touring in the summer.

- Jan Delay is a summertime tourist now.

Hamburg-based musician Jan Delay now prefers to tour the country in the summer - and one reason for this is the COVID-19 pandemic. "There was a period of time when Corona hit, everything got cancelled, and I advocated for planning new shows only for the summer," the 47-year-old told "Szene Hamburg" magazine. Before the pandemic, he would never have scheduled tours in the summer, as this time was reserved for festivals. "Then I noticed: More people come to summer concerts. Not just because it's cooler for kids, but generally." So, it became clear to him that he wants to schedule his Best-of Tour in the warmer months. "I only want to tour in the summer from now on."

Delay has been on tour since late May and will continue until mid-September to celebrate his 25th anniversary in the German-speaking region.

Delay's preference for summer tours also extends to scheduling his Best-of Tour, as he noticed higher attendance rates at summer concerts. Music lovers are likely excited to attend his upcoming summer shows during his anniversary tour.

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