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Israel's Foreign Ministry: Hezbollah crossed all red lines with lethal attack

After the deadly rocket fire from Lebanon on a Druse village in the Golan Heights, Hisbollah, supported by Iran in Israel's view, has 'crossed all red lines'. The massacre on Saturday represents the crossing of all red lines by Hisbollah', the Israeli Foreign Ministry declared on Sunday. The...

Rocket-hit football field in Madjdal Shams
Rocket-hit football field in Madjdal Shams

Israel's Foreign Ministry: Hezbollah crossed all red lines with lethal attack

It concerns Hezbollah not about an army fighting against another army, but about a terror organization that deliberately shoots at civilians, the statement from the ministry continued.

A projectile fired from Lebanon hit the soccer field of the Druze-inhabited village of Majdal Shams on Saturday. Israel's army spokesperson Daniel Hagari spoke of the "deadliest attack against Israeli civilians since October 7." According to the Israeli Magen David Adom rescue service, 20 more youths were injured in the attack, some of them seriously.

Hagari declared on Sunday night, the projectile was a Falak-1 rocket of Iranian origin with a 50 kg heavy warhead. This model is "exclusively in the possession of Hezbollah".

Previously, the Israeli government had threatened a harsh military response. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement from his office to a local community spokesperson that Israel would not leave the "murderous attack" unanswered, and Hezbollah would pay a "price" it had "never paid before."

Meanwhile, the Iranian Foreign Ministry warned Israel of the consequences of a new military "adventure" in Lebanon. Israel would be responsible for "unforeseen consequences and reactions to such foolish behavior," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanani on Sunday. "Any action (...) of the Zionist regime can lead to a worsening of instability, insecurity and war in the region," Kanani said. The Iranian regime does not recognize Israel's existence right.

  1. The soccer field incident on Saturday occurred in the Druze-inhabited village of Majdal Shams, located on the Golan Heights.
  2. The Foreign Ministry of Israel strongly condemned Hezbollah's actions, stating they were targeting civilians deliberately.
  3. On Sunday night, Daniel Hagari from Israel's army spokesperson confirmed the projectile was an Iranian-made Falak-1 rocket with a 50 kg warhead, exclusively used by Hezbollah.
  4. According to Hagari, the attack on Saturday was the deadliest against Israeli civilians since October 7, resulting in 20 youth injuries, some seriously.
  5. Kanani, the spokesman for Iran's Foreign Ministry, warned Israel of the consequences if it responded with military action in Lebanon on Sunday.
  6. The Israeli government had previously threatened a harsh military response to such attacks, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated they would not leave the "murderous attack" unanswered.
  7. Kanani warned that any actions taken by Israel could lead to instability and war in the region, as the Iranian regime does not recognize Israel's existence.
  8. The tensions between Israel and Hezbollah escalated on Sunday, with the terrorist organization continuing to launch rockets from Lebanon towards Israeli civilians.

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