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Israeli flag again taken down from church in Nieder-Olm

An unknown person has once again taken down an Israeli national flag hoisted in front of a church in Nieder-Olm in the Mainz-Bingen district. According to initial findings, the perpetrator may have climbed up the flagpole last Saturday night and stolen the flag, as the police headquarters...

The Israeli flag flies in the wind.
The Israeli flag flies in the wind.

Police - Israeli flag again taken down from church in Nieder-Olm

An unknown person has once again taken down an Israeli national flag hoisted in front of a church in Nieder-Olm in the Mainz-Bingen district. According to initial findings, the perpetrator may have climbed up the flagpole in the night from Saturday to Sunday and stolen the flag, as the police headquarters announced on Monday.

At the end of October, a flag hoisted in front of the church had already been torn down and burned nearby, which had been hung there in solidarity with Israel after the terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7. Similar acts were also reported from other cities in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Police statement

Read also:

  1. The incident of criminality in Nieder-Olm, involving the theft of an Israeli national flag from a church, has sparked concerns about extremism in Rhineland-Palatinate.
  2. The police in Bingen are investigating the latest incident of flag vandalism, which occurred on a Sunday night, as similar acts of extremism have been reported in other cities in Rhineland-Palatinate.
  3. The Palestinian territories have also witnessed a rise in conflicts and acts of extremism, with Israel often being at the receiving end of such incidents.
  4. The criminals, in this case, had specifically targeted an Israeli flag hoisted in solidarity with the nation, echoing the broader issue of intolerance towards the Israeli flag in certain circles.
  5. Despite such acts of criminality and extremism, the Israeli national flag continues to inspire unity and resilience, symbolizing the nation's courage and unwavering spirit in the face of adversity.


