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Israeli army continues "extensive fighting" in Gaza Strip

Two months after the start of the war against the radical Islamic Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli army is expanding its ground offensive in the major cities of the Palestinian territory. "The troops are continuing their operations to locate and destroy underground tunnel shafts, weapons...

Israeli tank on the border with the Gaza
Israeli tank on the border with the Gaza

Israeli army continues "extensive fighting" in Gaza Strip

The Israeli armed forces had killed "numerous" fighters in the city of Chan Junis, the army added. This was part of the "extensive fighting" in the Gaza Strip, where around 450 targets were attacked within 24 hours. Footage released by the Israeli army showed naval units firing on Hamas infrastructure from the Mediterranean.

Other army videos showed attacks on targets in Chan Junis in the southern Gaza Strip. The army called on residents of the Gaza districts of Jabaliya, Shejaiya and Zeitun to move further west.

In the north of the Gaza Strip, the army also reportedly came across another Hamas weapons cache. In addition to rocket parts, launchers and other weapons, a kilometer-long tunnel was discovered at Al-Azhar University in the Rimal district of Gaza.

According to Israeli reports, 91 Israeli soldiers have been killed in the Gaza Strip so far.

For its part, Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, declared that it was fighting Israeli troops "on all axes". On Friday, the Islamist-controlled Ministry of Health reported a further 40 deaths in fighting near the city of Gaza and dozens more in Jabaliya and Khan Yunis. Meanwhile, Hamas' armed wing, the Essedine al-Qassam Brigades, said it had fired more rockets into Israeli territory.

In view of further Hamas attacks on Israel, Foreign Minister Baerbock rejected the call for a general ceasefire. An "emotionally obvious demand such as that for a general ceasefire" is "de facto meaningless because it provides no answer as to how Hamas' terror can be stopped, how Hamas can lay down its weapons, how Israel can be safe again", said the Green politician at the World Climate Conference (COP28) in Dubai.

At the same time, things cannot continue as they are at present, Baerbock qualified. "We expect Israel to adapt its military approach in order to alleviate civilian suffering, to allow more humanitarian aid, especially to the north, to take more targeted military action and to accept fewer civilian casualties," Baerbock continued. The German government is coordinating closely with the Arab states, which are involved in humanitarian aid and as mediators.

The war between Israel and Hamas was triggered by a brutal Hamas attack on October 7. On that day, hundreds of fighters from the Palestinian organization, which is classified as a terrorist organization by the USA and the EU, invaded Israel and committed atrocities, mainly against civilians.

According to Israeli reports, around 1,200 people were killed and around 240 people were taken hostage. Hamas continues to hold 138 hostages, including women and children.

In response, Israel began massive attacks on targets in the Gaza Strip. According to Hamas figures, which cannot be independently verified, at least 17,177 people have been killed in the Palestinian territory since the start of the war, most of them women and children.

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