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Israel sends Mossad chief to Qatar for Gaza negotiations

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to send a delegation to negotiate over the Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip. According to the AFP news agency on Thursday, the head of the Israeli foreign intelligence service Mossad, David Barnea, set off for the Gulf emirate of Qatar....

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel sends Mossad chief to Qatar for Gaza negotiations

After a phone call between Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden, Netanyahu's office announced: "The Prime Minister informed President Biden about his decision to send a delegation that will continue the negotiations for the release of hostages."

No information was provided by Netanyahu's office regarding the departure time of the delegation or the location of the talks. According to reports from the negotiating circles, Mossad Chief Barnea is meeting with the Prime Minister of Qatar, Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani. The goal of the talks is to "bring the negotiating parties closer to an agreement in the Gaza Strip."

Netanyahu's government is under heavy pressure due to the fact that since the radical Islamic Palestinian organization Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, numerous Israelis have been held hostage in the Gaza Strip. Regular mass demonstrations take place in Israel for this reason.

In the statement from Netanyahu's office, it was emphasized that Israel is "determined to end the war only when all objectives are achieved." The government has repeatedly made it clear that, in addition to the release of all hostages, the destruction of Hamas is also required.

US President Biden welcomed Netanyahu's decision to send a delegation, according to White House statements. The United States believes that Israel and Hamas have a "significant opportunity" to achieve an agreement on a ceasefire and the release of hostages, said a high-ranking US government official.

The Hamas announced on Wednesday that they had presented new "ideas" on how the war in the Gaza Strip could be ended. The radical Islamic Palestinian organization conducted talks with representatives of Qatar and Egypt, as well as with the Turks, according to their own statements.

Israel responded that it was checking the Hamas statements and would then answer the mediators. According to media reports, Netanyahu called for a meeting of his Security Cabinet on Thursday evening to discuss the Hamas proposals.

The US government official said now about the Hamas proposal, this would "advance the process and could be a basis for the conclusion of an agreement." This does not mean, however, that an agreement is expected in the coming days. There is still a lot of work to be done.

The unprecedented attack by Hamas fighters and other militant Palestinian groups on Israel on October 7 led to the outbreak of the Gaza War. According to Israeli reports, 1195 people were killed and 251 were taken hostage in the Gaza Strip. 116 of them are still being held by Hamas, 42 of whom are already reportedly dead according to the Israeli army.

In response to the attack, Israel has been conducting massive military operations in the Gaza Strip since then. According to reports from the health ministry controlled by Hamas (which cannot be independently verified), more than 38,000 people have been killed since then.

In this conflict, in addition to Qatar and Egypt, the US is also trying to mediate. On May 31, US President Biden presented a plan for an agreement between the warring parties, which he described as an Israeli proposal. The multi-stage concept included an "immediate and complete" ceasefire and the gradual release of all hostages.

  1. The announcement from Netanyahu's office mentioned the continuation of 'Gaza negotiations' for hostage release, following his conversation with US President Biden.
  2. According to reports, the 'negotiation' between Mossad Chief David Barnea and Qatar's Prime Minister al-Thani aims to bring 'negotiating parties' closer in the Gaza Strip.
  3. The US President has welcomed the Israeli delegation's involvement in the 'Gaza negotiations', believing it offers a 'significant opportunity' for a ceasefire and hostage release.
  4. Since Hamas attacked Israel, Netanyahu's government is under pressure to achieve 'all objectives' in the Gaza Strip, including hostage release and Hamas's destruction.
  5. The Mossad chief, David Barnea, is reportedly meeting with the US, Egypt, and Qatar to discuss potential solutions in the 'Gaza negotiations.'
  6. AFP reported that during their talks, Barnea discussed Hamas's new proposals in the 'Gaza negotiations', which the US official believed could 'advance the process.'
  7. Joe Biden's administration sees value in the Hamas proposal as a possible 'basis for the conclusion of an agreement', although it is not anticipating an agreement in the immediate future.

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