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Isolated incidents on New Year's Eve

In the run-up to the New Year, the police and emergency services had looked on with some concern. There were no major riots. However, it was not calm and completely peaceful.

The city cleaning service cleans the city center of Halle from the remains of New Year's Eve.
The city cleaning service cleans the city center of Halle from the remains of New Year's Eve.

Saxony-Anhalt - Isolated incidents on New Year's Eve

The turn of the year was largely peaceful in Saxony-Anhalt. However, there were isolated incidents according to the police and fire department. In the state capital of Magdeburg, for example, the police cleared the popular Hasselbachplatz square with its bars and pubs shortly after midnight because, according to police reports, fireworks had been fired in the direction of other people. According to the emergency services, there were also a number of serious injuries - and not just from pyrotechnics.

In Zeitz, a 34-year-old man was seriously injured with a knife by a 25-year-old, according to the Halle police station. He underwent emergency surgery. Witnesses had confronted the alleged perpetrator and held him until the police arrived.

On the market square in Halle, police officers were shot at with pyrotechnics. At Reileck in Halle, around 100 people set fire to Christmas trees in the street and then threw bottles and pyrotechnics at police and firefighters. In total, there were at least 40 cases of damage to property and arson in Halle. In Sangerhausen, according to police reports, a four-metre tall nutcracker was set alight by fireworks at the market.

Hand injuries, some of them serious, had to be treated

According to the police, several people, including a six-year-old girl in Zeitz, were injured by pyrotechnics. Some of the injuries were serious, said Tobias Esser, senior physician at the hand surgery clinic at Bergmannstrost in Halle. A total of 13 people with firecracker injuries were treated during the night, and two people required surgery. At least eight fingers were lost to firecrackers. According to the senior physician, it was a little quieter compared to the previous year, but there were some serious injuries.

It was a comparatively quiet turn of the year for the fire and rescue services in Halle. There were 58 firefighting operations in the city, 19 fewer than in the previous year. However, the rescue service was called out more frequently, with 102 missions.

Targeted firing of pyrotechnics in Halle and Magdeburg

In the state capital of Magdeburg, Hasselbachplatz was cleared shortly after midnight, according to police reports. According to a spokeswoman for the Magdeburg police station, there were people aiming pyrotechnics at other people. Several groups of people shot at each other, and later fireworks were also fired at police officers. In total, the police recorded more than 125 incidents in connection with New Year's Eve. There were 51 incidents of bodily harm and various incidents of damage to property and arson. Later that night, around 150 people erected two barricades on a street and set fire to them.

According to the Magdeburg fire department, the fire and rescue services were called out to a total of 279 incidents on New Year's Eve. Up until the morning, there had been no reports of violence against the emergency services. The fire department mainly had to extinguish balcony fires, but all of these were without major damage. In the Diesdorf district, a hedge had burned over a length of 30 meters.

Vacant house on fire in Stendal

New Year's Eve in the Harz region was a busy one for the police. There were a total of 52 police operations in the district, most of which involved assaults and small fires, according to a spokesperson. Pyrotechnics that were not permitted in Germany were set off on several occasions. In Halberstadt, a 22-year-old man suffered serious injuries to his hand.

In Stendal, a fire in a vacant house had to be extinguished, according to the police. Unknown persons had thrown pyrotechnics into the building. The fire department was deployed with 14 firefighters. There were also several incidents of damage to property caused by firecrackers. According to the police, there were no major disturbances in the Dessau-Roßlau police station area.

Read also:

  1. Despite the 34-year-old's injuries in Zeitz requiring emergency surgery, witnesses managed to hold the alleged perpetrator until the Police arrived.
  2. In Halle, several individuals were injured by pyrotechnics, including a six-year-old girl in Zeitz, according to the police.
  3. On New Year's Eve, the Police in Magdeburg reported individuals aiming pyrotechnics at other people, resulting in over 125 incidents.
  4. According to Tobias Esser, senior physician at the hand surgery clinic at Bergmannstrost in Halle, a total of 13 people with firecracker injuries were treated during the night, and two required surgery.
  5. In Sangerhausen, a four-metre tall nutcracker was set alight by fireworks at the market, causing damage.
  6. The Fire Department in Halle was called out 102 times during the turn of the year, even though there were fewer firefighting operations compared to the previous year.
  7. In Stendal, a vacant house was set on fire, allegedly by individuals throwing pyrotechnics into the building, requiring the Fire Department's attention.




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