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Islamist from Hamburg convicted of planning suicide attack in Sweden

An Islamist in Hamburg was sentenced to four years and nine months in prison on Tuesday for preparing a suicide attack on a church in Sweden. According to a spokesperson, the Higher Regional Court of the Hanseatic city considered it proven that the 29-year-old from Syria had made efforts to...

Islamist from Hamburg convicted of planning suicide attack in Sweden

According to the court's findings, the accused's plan to commit the crime was a reaction to a Koran burning by a right-wing extremist in Sweden. According to the indictment, the man was in contact with a contact person of the jihadist militia Islamic State during the preparations and was guided by her. He has now been convicted of preparing a serious crime endangering the state and terrorist financing.

The defendant's younger brother, who was originally also accused of alleged involvement in the attack plans, was sentenced by the court to a one-year suspended sentence for aiding and abetting the financing of terrorism on a minor scale. After taking evidence, the court was convinced that the 24-year-old had not been involved in the preparations and had not known any details about the crime planned by his brother.

According to the court, the main accused, who lives in Hamburg, did try to convince his younger brother, who lives in Bavaria, to participate. However, according to the court, he reacted "cautiously". He had wanted to prevent his older brother from committing the crime, but at the same time feared that he might break off contact completely if he "openly objected". According to the court, the younger brother had been instructed by the family to look after his brother.

The German security authorities launched an arrest and search operation against the brothers and their entourage on April 25. The 29-year-old was arrested by special forces in Hamburg. Details of his attack plans only came to light through further investigations.

According to the indictment, the 29-year-old's plans for the attack were still very vague at the time of his arrest. According to the indictment, however, he possessed the first basic materials for making explosives and had already ordered further substances. This would have enabled him to build a functioning bomb.

The charges of financing terrorism or aiding and abetting terrorism also related to the procurement of basic materials and components for an explosive device. The younger defendant was ultimately convicted of ordering urea fertilizer worth 13.99 euros for his brother on the internet. This was to be used to manufacture an explosive.

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