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Is the debt brake still up to date?

Doubts in the coalition

Is the debt brake still up to date?
Is the debt brake still up to date?

Is the debt brake still up to date?

How are the coalition's billion-euro projects to be implemented following the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the debt brake? Billions are missing, so the coalition has to make savings. The projects for the green transformation are to be maintained, but this is no longer to be achieved through new debt - the FDP wants to adhere to the debt brake in 2024, but there are some doubts among the coalition partners.

Is the debt brake still fit for purpose? Raimund Brichta and Etienne Bell discuss this question, among others, with economist Johannes Mayr in this episode of "Brichta und Bell - Wirtschaft einfach und schnell".

The Federal Government, being part of the Traffic light coalition, is facing challenges in implementing their billion-euro projects due to the Federal Constitutional Court's ruling on the debt brake, as the coalition needs to make savings to compensate for the missing funds. Despite this, the FDP within the coalition insists on adhering to the debt brake in 2024, raising doubts among partners about the green transformation projects' funding.


