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Irritation after criticism of the Catholic Congress by its chairman

In an article, the chairman of the Katholikentag's sponsoring association failed to include an East German perspective in the program for 2024. Now the criticism is directed at the former mayor of Erfurt.

Conferences - Irritation after criticism of the Catholic Congress by its chairman

The diocese of Erfurt and the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) have reacted with irritation to criticism from the chairman of the association sponsoring the Katholikentag. Erfurt's Bishop Ulrich Neymeyr and ZdK President Stetter-Karp see Manfred Ruge's comments as a burden on cooperation, the ZdK announced on Sunday. Neymeyr also accused Ruge of "behavior detrimental to the association".

Erfurt's former mayor Manfred Ruge is a member of the Katholikentag management and honorary chairman of the Katholikentag's supporting association. As such, in an article published on Saturday in the "Thüringer Allgemeine", Ruge criticized the lack of East German perspectives in the programme for next year's Catholic lay gathering in Erfurt, among other things.

"We are not allowed to tell our stories," the newspaper quoted the 78-year-old as saying. He went on to criticize the fact that topics from Erfurt and the East were not included in the events. "There is not a single participant in the panels who suffered in the GDR."

However, the program is still in the planning phase and will not be complete until the beginning of March, according to the ZdK press release. It has also been agreed that an East German perspective and specific regional topics will be given due consideration in the program. According to the current status, GDR experiences, reunification and Christian life in East Germany will be included in the program. Far fewer Christians live in East Germany than in West Germany. The SED's church policy led to an extensive secularization of the GDR.

"Mr. Ruge's blanket assertion that Erfurt and East Germany hardly feature in the programme is therefore incomprehensible." In addition, East German Catholics were involved in all committees and working groups involved in the program planning. The Katholikentag management had also decided on all event formats with Ruge's support. "We regret that he is now publicly distancing himself from his own approval. For us, this step is incomprehensible."

Ruge's statements in the article about possible earmarking of subsidies from the city of Erfurt for the Katholikentag also offended the diocese and the ZdK. Ruge had no mandate to hold such talks with the city and had not previously spoken to the diocese as host of the Catholic Congress or the ZdK. Stetter-Karp criticized Ruge for giving the impression that the funds for the Katholikentag would not be used for the intended purpose. "We reject this accusation," said the ZdK President.

Up to 20,000 participants are expected to attend next year's Katholikentag organized by the ZdK in Erfurt from 29 May to 2 June.

Article in the Thüringer Allgemeine

Read also:

  1. The Bishopric of Erfurt, located in Thuringia, a region in eastern Germany, is involved in planning for the upcoming Catholic Day, known as the Katholikentag.
  2. The Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK) and Erfurt's Bishop Ulrich Neymeyr are frustrated with the criticism from Manfred Ruge, a former mayor of Erfurt and honorary chairman of the Katholikentag's supporting association, regarding the lack of GDR perspectives in the program.
  3. During a meeting with the "Thüringer Allgemeine," Ruge expressed his concern that topics from the GDR and Erfurt were not addressed in the initial program for the Catholic Day in 2023.
  4. In response, the ZdK and Bishop Neymeyr have assured that Eastern German perspectives and regional topics will be included in the program, with a focus on GDR experiences, reunification, and Christian life in East Germany.
  5. The Bishopric and ZdK are also disappointed with Ruge's public statements suggesting that city funds for the Katholikentag may not be used for its intended purpose, as he did not have authorization to discuss such matters.
  6. With the support of Ruge, the Katholikentag management has organized various event formats for the Catholic Day, and estimated 20,000 participants are anticipated to attend the gathering in Erfurt from May 29 to June 2, 2023.


