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Iris Berben speaks "Exile" podcast on Jewish refugees

The Leo Baeck Institute and the Federal Agency for Civic Education are commemorating the fates of persecuted Jewish women and men during National Socialism with the podcast "Exile", narrated by actress Iris Berben. The first of twelve episodes was published on Thursday and will be released weekly.

Actress Iris Berben presents the podcast "Exil" at the Federal Press Conference.
Actress Iris Berben presents the podcast "Exil" at the Federal Press Conference.

National Socialism - Iris Berben speaks "Exile" podcast on Jewish refugees

The Leo Baeck Institute and the Federal Agency for Civic Education are commemorating the fates of persecuted Jewish women and men during National Socialism with the podcast "Exile", narrated by actress Iris Berben. On Thursday, the first of twelve episodes was published, which will appear weekly.

In addition to the fates of lesser-known victims of persecution, the parts initially developed by the Leo Baeck Institute in New York are also dedicated to the sociologist Ruth Westheimer (95), the physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) and the writers Joseph Roth (1894-1939) and Stefan Zweig (1881-1942). Personal letters, notes, interviews, diaries and other documents from the Leo Baeck Institute were used for the podcasts under the motto "If everything is taken from you, what then?".

"At this time, it is a particularly important opportunity to inform people, to demand cohesion," said Berben during the presentation in Berlin. "These are true stories that you can't hide from."

With regard to the current situation in the Middle East and the reactions in Germany during the Nazi era and today, Berben said: "The parallels make me angry." In view of the current anti-Semitism, she is "shocked by the silence in this country".

Miriam Bistrovic from the Leo Baeck Institute in New York referred to the collaboration with academics and family members for the "Exile" podcast. The aim was to make the stories from the Institute's extensive archives audible. "They should and wanted to be told," said Bistrovic. Almost every aspect of German-Jewish life before and after the Holocaust is shown.


Read also:

  1. The podcast "Exile" sheds light on the experiences of persecuted women and men during National Socialism in Germany, with renowned figures like Albert Einstein and Ruth Westheimer being featured.
  2. The Federal Center for Civic Education and the Leo Baeck Institute in New York are collaborating to produce twelve weekly episodes of the "Exile" podcast, narrated by actress Iris Berben.
  3. Albert Einstein, a renowned physicist, is one of the individuals whose stories are being told in the "Exile" podcast, focusing on his experiences during National Socialism in Germany.
  4. In a recent presentation in Berlin, Iris Berben emphasized the importance of sharing these stories, stating that they cannot be hidden from people.
  5. The Leo Baeck Institute in New York has a vast archive of personal documents and letters that have been used to create the "Exile" podcast, including those of Joseph Roth and Stefan Zweig.
  6. In her remarks during the podcast presentation, Iris Berben drew parallels between the reactions to the Middle East crisis and anti-Semitism during the Nazi era and today, expressing her anger and shock at the silence in Germany.
  7. Ruth Westheimer, a prominent sociologist and Holocaust survivor, is another figure whose story is being told in the "Exile" podcast, highlighting the experiences of Jewish women and men during National Socialism.
  8. The "Exile" podcast is not only a testament to the past but also serves as a reminder of the importance of education and cohesion in the face of intolerance and discrimination, both in Germany and the United States.


