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Iran tests space capsule for astronauts

Iran reports the successful test of a space capsule, while concerns remain about possible military applications.

It is unclear when the Islamic Republic plans to use the new technology to transport people
It is unclear when the Islamic Republic plans to use the new technology to transport people into space.

Space travel - Iran tests space capsule for astronauts

According to its own statement, Iran has tested a space capsule for the future transportation of astronauts. As the state news agency Irna reported, citing Information Minister Isa Sarepur, the 500-kilogram capsule was launched to an altitude of 130 kilometers.

It is unclear when the Islamic Republic intends to use the new technology to transport people into space. However, according to the Irna report, Sarepur is hoping for "more good news" by next March.

Iran's declared intention is to use its space technology for civilian purposes. Last September, the Islamic Republic announced that it had launched an earth observation satellite into space. Contrary to Tehran's claims, the USA and Israel, for example, fear that the space technology is intended for military purposes.

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