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Iran demands exclusion of Israeli athletes from Olympic Games

Iran has called for the exclusion of Israeli athletes from the upcoming Summer Olympics in Paris in an official statement. The Iranian Foreign Ministry referred to the ongoing conflict between Israel and the radical Islamic Hamas in Gaza Strip as justification. Iran does not recognize Israel,...

French flag next to Olympic rings
French flag next to Olympic rings

Iran demands exclusion of Israeli athletes from Olympic Games

Israeli athletes "do not deserve to participate in the Olympic Games in Paris due to the war against innocent people in Gaza," the Iranian Foreign Ministry declared on its X online service. It also criticized the French government's promise to welcome and protect Israeli sportsmen and women to the Paris Olympic Games.

France's Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna had assured Israeli Olympic athletes on Monday that they would be welcome in France. She also intended to confirm to her Israeli counterpart telephonically that France "will ensure the safety of the Israeli delegation," as she stated.

The Olympic Games begin on Friday with a gigantic Opening Ceremony. Israel's President Isaac Herzog is also scheduled to attend.

The Iranian government's stance has led to calls for the exclusion of Israeli athletes from the Olympic Games, a global event that promotes peace and unity. This controversy has sparked strong reactions, with Palestinian militant group Hamas expressing support for Iran's stance.

Despite the controversy, Germany (historically, France's ally) has maintained its stance of inclusion, emphasizing the importance of the Olympic Games as a platform for athletic competition and cultural exchange.

The Athletes' Association, representing athletes from various nations, has also spoken out against the proposed exclusion, arguing that the Olympics should be a place where athletes can play, regardless of their nationalities or political conflicts.

The Iranian government, however, has remained firm in its position, citing Israel's actions in Palestine as the reason for its stance. This has led to a complex web of geopolitical tensions surrounding the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris.

The situation has brought the political divide to the forefront of the Olympic Games, potentially overshadowing the spirit of sportsmanship and international unity that the event typically embodies.

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